Acting Together


Attention! The Survey

Highlighting our topics of attention

Health, Learn, Work


Stéphanie de Chalvron


Stéphanie de Chalvron


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The context

While it is now common knowledge that attention is a fundamental, strategic, and limited human resource, we suffer more and more from a lack of control over it. But are we really aware of this? Do we have any idea of the consequences of losing touch with the most basic of our cognitive capacities? They are multiple, complex, and worrying. A number of voices have spoken out on this topic, and I will only mention Matthew Crawford and Bernard Stiegler here, because they both have the merit of offering more than mere observations and proposing complementary courses of action.

Stiegler, who unfortunately left us in August 2020, invites us in particular to engage in the economy of contribution – a model made up of care for oneself and for others, multiplying positive externalities in the service of a rediscovered attention. What a breath of fresh air!
As a philosopher of technology, he goes even further by underlining the ambivalent character of digital technologies, and particularly of social networks, with respect to our attentions. He considers them as real “pharmaka” – that is to say both remedies and poisons, problems, and solutions…

Convinced that it is absolutely necessary to remobilize our cognitive capacities, and in particular a new relationship with our attention – more conscious, sustainable and respectful – we have launched a project of collective and dynamic mapping of our attentions.

This project, which we have chosen to simply call “Attention!” is in line with the original mission of Humans Matter, 20 years after its creation. With “Attention!”, we fully embrace our societal vocation and offer everyone, thanks to technology and networking, to become aware of what their own and others’ attention is focused on. Rather than trying to find out what you think in order to help you, we want to help you think about yourself. Attention is a strategic resource, so we want to help you control yours, by letting you choose what is important to you.

More than 2,300 participants co-constructed the “Attention!” survey together. With more than 5,000 contributions on 24 themes – and a significant number of hours of data processing – we have identified 9 attention topics that are expressed on 6 attentional maps.

The 9 topics of attention are the 9 issues on which the French are currently focusing their attention and which emerged during the survey. They are: otherness, sustainable consumption, love, learning, motivation, knowledge and evolution, uncertainty, popular beliefs, and profitability.

Attentional maps

An attentional map is an interactive map that represents a thought pattern and embodies and highlights the way in which the 9 subjects of attention are organized in a given thought pattern; thus, attentional maps emphasize the links that unite thoughts to each other.


Stéphanie de Chalvron


Stéphanie de Chalvron


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