Acting Together

Acting Together

Case Study

Orano Link

How to animate and keep the managers’ community active remotely during the “lockdown” period and beyond?



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The context

The Orano group – a French multinational working mainly in the nuclear industry – found itself in an unprecedented situation following the COVID-19 crisis. Although the group had anticipated a large number of risks, it was difficult to foresee such a crisis and its impact on leadership: sudden revelation of human vulnerability as well as of systems and processes, the challenge of individual and collective solidarity, and the immediate need for remote interactions.

Orano’s Management School therefore needed to design a response adapted to 4 challenges: to maintain a presence on the ground with a sincere and inspiring approach, to animate the community of managers by providing motivating and enriching content, to understand how managers feel, and, finally, to prepare for the future.

The idea

Taking into account the strong technical and safety constraints of a nuclear sector player, as well as the specificity of the health context, Humans Matter has co-designed with Orano’s Management School a 100% remote managerial animation program. The aim is to enable managers who are members of the community to acquire, through the various modules offered, the reflexes, knowledge and tools to best react to this crisis and prepare for the “aftermath”.

The solution

The managerial animation program offers different types of content and activities that are implemented on different media. It is made available remotely in its entirety and the Yammer platform is the receptacle as well as the privileged communication tool for the managers’ community. This program offers a weekly library of content and activities that address one or more themes at the crossroads of management and group news.

The content offered by Humans Matter includes articles, practical information sheets, videos, podcasts, and e-learning modules, all of which are designed to provide managers with food for thought on how to approach management and collaboration during and after a crisis, and to provide managers with the keys to understanding the situation and the tools they need to deal with it.

A training course based on this project is available. Ask us about it!
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Humans Matter has been working with us for a long time on various managerial issues and knows Orano’s culture as well as our technical constraints.

Director of the Orano Management School

In the same way, and in order to get managers more involved in the community and to create long-term practices, Humans Matter has set up different types of activities: thematic and interactive webinars, co-development sessions, remote workshops, individual coaching sessions, as well as welcome breaks such as Cafés Philo (Philosophy Cafés).

The content and activities are renewed every week in order to follow the evolution of the program’s editorial policy and to be as close as possible to the expectations of managers, the evolution of the health situation, and the organization of the Orano Group to face it.

In total, more than 300 managers have interacted with this program, either by consuming content or by participating in the various activities offered.


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