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E-health in France

The digitization of health services



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A catalog of digital services referenced by the government

Humans Matter, a pioneering company in cognitive design, has been selected to participate in the construction of the ENS (Espace Numérique de Santé), a digital health space in France. Humans Matter is currently preparing the implementation of HappyNeuron – a subsidiary of Humans Matter that offers cognitive stimulation, re-education, and remediation tools – in the French government’s digital marketplace in order to transform the healthcare system and services.

In November 2020, in partnership with the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, the Assurance Maladie (French National Health Insurance) and the Agence du Numérique en Santé (Digital Health Agency), the SESAM-Vitale economic interest group launched a call for applications for all digital health players to co-construct and join the Espace Numérique de Santé (ENS) store. This initiative, initiated as part of the “Ma Santé 2022” (My Health 2022) project, is part of the ministerial roadmap for digital health, of which the ENS is a priority for the year 2021. 30 applicants have been selected to participate in the development of ENS, including HappyNeuron developed by Humans Matter.

While the work started on February 17, the catalog of digital services referenced by the government will be available to users starting in 2022 with the mission to grow the digital health ecosystem in France.

HappyNeuron and HappyNeuron Pro are Humans Matter products.
Humans Matter, selected to contribute to the digitalization of health services

HappyNeuron is a therapeutic software platform covering the entire speech therapy pathway, from assessment to rehabilitation. The solution offers more than 200 stimulation exercises to promote brain plasticity by proposing tailor-made training sessions according to a user’s cognitive profile. As one of the 30 ENS developers, Humans Matter has positioned itself as a key player in e-health in France and joins other industry leaders such as Qare and Doctolib in providing its expertise in digital therapies.

The company is participating in the co-construction of the digital marketplace in order to develop and define the terms and conditions for data exchange and APIs with the ENS.
Users will be able to choose to transmit their data to the applications of their choice referenced on the store, and conversely, to save the data from these applications in their digital space.


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