
Acting Together

Acting Together


The Data That Heals

Digital therapeutics



Alexandre Beaussier


Alexandre Beaussier


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A new therapeutic approach

Digital therapeutics are a new and rapidly growing means of providing alternative care and increasing access to health services. As a specialist in cognitive design, Humans Matter has seized this opportunity and is using its expertise to bring about a lasting and positive change in our behavior. As such, the company is collaborating with the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health in the implementation of a catalog of digital services to democratize these new uses.

A new therapeutic approach, digital therapeutics (or DTx) are digital solutions that have a direct impact on the state of a pathology by replacing, complementing or increasing the clinical benefits of a traditional therapy. The objective of these DTx is to treat patients based on health data monitoring by modifying their behavior in order to obtain a clinical response.

Humans Matter, cognitive design and digital therapies

Digital therapies are a new way of consuming healthcare for patients that make them actors in their care. These allow us to include them at every stage of the health care process, in order to ensure real beneficial effects (on mental health, as well as on obesity issues).

Human(s) Matter uses cognitive design as a vector for change in order to bring about a lasting evolution in behavior. The company has equipped many healthcare professionals, notably with its cognitive assessment and remediation application HappyNeuron Pro.

A therapeutic software platform covering the entire speech therapy process, from assessment to rehabilitation, HappyNeuron offers more than 200 stimulation exercises to promote brain plasticity by proposing tailor-made training sessions, selected according to the cognitive profile of its users.

By forming partnerships with several academic, institutional and economic players, Humans Matter creates synergies to accelerate the development of digital therapies. In particular, it collaborates with the Paris Brain Institute in the operational translation of their research in order to enhance the value of innovation through its concrete application. The company also works with health institutions, such as the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospitals, to offer new ways to support brain-damaged patients.

HappyNeuron Pro is a Humans Matter product.
A public health issue

The digital transformation of healthcare services is one of the French government’s priorities. The government has launched the Ma Santé 2022 (My Health 2022) project to restructure and modernize the French healthcare system. Indeed, France’s ambition is to include technological progress and the emergence of new therapies in its healthcare offer. In this regard, the President has stated his ambition to “allow patients to benefit from the best possible medical care, by resolutely supporting innovation and better adapting the place and method of care to the needs of each individual.”

This desire was reflected in November 2020 by a call for applications from all digital health players to co-construct and join the Digital Health Space store, in partnership with the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, the Assurance Maladie (French National Health Insurance), the Agence du Numérique en Santé (Digital Health Agency) and the SESAM-Vitale economic interest group.

Through its HappyNeuron Pro application, Humans Matter has been selected to participate in the reflection and application of these new challenges by preparing its arrival on the governmental digital store. With the objective of contributing to the animation of the digital health ecosystem in France, this catalog of services referenced by the government will be available to users in 2022.


Alexandre Beaussier


Alexandre Beaussier


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