Acting Together


BP Passport

An innovative way to deliver healthcare, dedicated to people with bipolar disorder



Franck Tarpin-Bernard


Franck Tarpin-Bernard


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The context

The “BP Passport” experimentation project offers specialized and coordinated care through the development of a digital therapy, the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and financial modeling for healthcare.

The BP Passport, supported by the Fondation FondaMental (FundaMental Foundation), is the result of a collaboration betweenSêmeia, Humans Matter, and five hospitals (Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, Besançon University Hospital, Le Vinatier Hospital, Moulins-Yzeure Hospital and Henri Mondor AP-HP University Hospital). This experiment also involves the Argos 2001 association and Unafam.

Its objectives are to improve the psychiatric and somatic prognosis of patients, patient quality of life and satisfaction, and the medico-economic performance of the healthcare system.

An experiment involving 2,000 people with bipolar disorders

Disruptions in the care process, difficulty in accessing psycho-education or cognitive remediation, and untreated somatic complications are among the difficulties encountered by people with bipolar disorder.

The BP Passport project has been working to meet these challenges with 2,000 patients in five territories that are representative of the organization of psychiatric care – it has been taking in patients since December 2020.

An innovation in pricing thanks to financing on a per-care basis

The BP Passport is proposing to experiment with a new method of financing with a gradual shift from financing by the Annual Operating Budget (DAF in French) – which is unequal, inefficient, and not very conducive to the deployment of new organizations – to flat-rate financing on a per-care basis, in order to free up new resources for French psychiatry while reducing the cost to the community by limiting hospitalizations and work stoppages. The new financing method is also based on the measurement of result indicators that are important to patients, defined beforehand with the Argos 2001 association. 

This experiment gives concrete expression to the changes desired by clinicians and patients towards comprehensive (psychiatric and somatic) and specialized care, within an economic model that encourages quality and efficiency. It is a precursor to developments that could be applied to other psychiatric diseases such as depression or schizophrenia.

Prof. Marion Leboyer, Director of the Fondation FondaMental and Medical Director of the IMPACT Medical University Department (AP-HP)


Franck Tarpin-Bernard


Franck Tarpin-Bernard


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