Acting Together

Case Study

Natixis Mobility Boost

How to remove the bias to internal mobility?



Riadh Lebib


Riadh Lebib


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The context

Natixis’ business lines, as in the entire financial sector, are undergoing major changes: new regulatory frameworks, automation of numerous processes, transformation of customer relations, etc. With recruitment severely limited in the current period, and a desire to retain existing staff, Natixis has embarked on an ambitious program, JIM (Jobs In Motion), to allow each employee to be an actor in their professional development, to strengthen their competencies, to change jobs, and to develop their in-house employability, with the goal of doubling the rate of in-house mobility.

The idea

However, there are many obstacles on the road to internal mobility: difficulty in projecting oneself, lack of knowledge of jobs that are not one’s own, fear of appearing before internal recruitment juries, managers who are sometimes reluctant to accept the departure of good employees and procedural HR… In short, employees underestimate their potential for evolution while overestimating the effort and risks of change.

We co-design with HR teams and pilot managers a path that removes apprehensions and, encourages employees to take the plunge, to project themselves, and to take action, making them the authors of their own evolution.

The solution

The proposed course of action is based on the basic principles of cognitive design:

  • Upstream communication to remove bias and encourage action in a personalized way.
  • A progressive course of 3 workshops with tools, templates, and precise and structured methods under klaxoon (retro storytelling, effectuation, etc.).
  • A physical and digital networking of key resources, human or documentary, with an active role of mobility mentors (people who have lived happy experiences of evolution)…

The objective is to have a real impact on the professional lives of more than 3,000 employees in less than a year. Managers and leaders are not forgotten with dedicated workshops to help plan and execute activities.

This workshop is followed by flash coaching and a digital platform of Natixis resources(videos on the different business lines, proposed support, etc.).


Riadh Lebib


Riadh Lebib


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